Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. 这个孩子此时的声音少了镇静的口吻而是变得像成人般的忧郁支吾。
The girl who took his call foolishly lost her note of the conversation. 为他接电话的那个女孩愚蠢地把电话记录给弄丢了。
The study of the redress of the lost blank bill helps to protect the bearer's note right, security and stability of the trade. 空白票据遗失救济问题研究有利于保护持票人的票据权利、维护交易的安全和稳定性。
But because of historical reasons, the writings in addition to Guo YU Jie is still save, the rest mostly but still stored at loss, only parts of the lost text exist in the ancient note, books, etc of ancient books. 但由于历史原因,其著述除《国语解》至今尚存,其余大多散佚流失,仅有部分佚文存于古注、类书等古籍之中。